Tuesday, September 9, 2008

konnichiwa world

feast your eyes on the most historic blog post in the world!
or atleast it will be, once it is properly sequeled out with more posts about stuff you might want to know, stuff I might want you to know, or stuff that is just soo random, that you never knew that you wanted to know but realised u did once u got to know it frm yours truly
ok enuf bs.. lets get bak to business
kougan anki.. i luv the name.. its a very kool weapon from my favourite anime that is sumthing like a rubik's cube.. it can be disintegrated and rebuilt to one of several different forms but this requires gr8 skill nd zen-ness... its more dangerous for the one wielding if it if they dont noe wot they r doing.. but given the right master who is willing to work with it rather than on it.. it can defeat weapons nd opponents far more terrifying nd dangerous than itself..
more about it later....
i was originalli trying to name this blog KungFoo.. which wud hav very effectively conveyed my fascination with warrior pandas and programming random stuff... but some1 had taken tht name
sum1 had also taken adi, adi9, adi92, aditya92, aditya.. nd every possible permutation that might interest me.. grrrrr.. tell me if u come up with a better name for my blog..
about me.. well.. i luv pissing ppl off.. forcing them to listen to my humourous humour.. programming halting-set oracles in my sleep, solving P=NP using 3rd grade algebra (N=1.. that was it!!!), creating virtual worlds nd being fascinated by nething thts japanese
so tht brings us to the end of the beginning.. hopefulli i will continue writing to this blog thereby making sure tht this is also not the beginning of the end of my blog


Anonymous said...

I am the first person to comment on your blogs (just for the record, in case you become a super famous blogger one day)! I look forward to the random things you will write here :P

Unknown said...

hullo.. congrats!! finally u have ur own blog.. and pls write about stuff tat i understand too ;) cheers